Ghost Ride the Whip

Every time something new comes along a new fad comes with it. During the history of hip-hop many fads of come and gone. Remember when it was "semi-cool" to wear your clothes backwards like Kriss Kross, how about those parachute pants that the king of cool Mc Hammer used to rock, and I can even remember that about 5 years ago when "C-walking" was a dance that everyone was trying to do. Since Lil' Wayne everyone has been trying to wear all the iced out jewelery and have "bling" everywhere, and the rims on our rides just keep getting bigger and bigger. What i'm getting at is that fads of any kind are usually something that can be fun for whatever is "in" at the time. But one fad that is known across the hip-hop world as turned out to be fatal. This fad is called "Ghost Riding the Whip"

When a person "ghost rides the whip" they get out of their car and dance around it while it, and sometimes on top of it, while it usually moves at a slow pace, sometimes the cars are left in a higher rate of speed. Recently though there have been some deaths attributed to this new fad. Most of these deaths have occurred from a head injury that happened during the stunt, but other injuries such as broken arms and legs also occur frequently. the article linked here

Rapper E-40, with his song "Tell me when to go" is probably the person that brought ghost riding to a main stream level. However, he is not the first person to use the term. you can check out these links for videos of "ghost riding the whip" --------------------------> , this next ones kinda of joke but it's a higher quality and you'll get the point
This stunt is obviously dangerous, but there is always someone out there willing to take the risk to be popular and get the attention of others. Just like most fads though this will probably someting that loses its flavor in the next couple of years
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